In your Karify record you can store medical information. For instance a letter of referral, a radiography or useful links. You can determine yourself if you want to keep this information to yourself, or whether you want to share it with your contacts in the Healthspace.
Who has access to my record?
Under Contacts, you find a list of everyone with whom you can exchange messages and attachments within the Healthspace. Some of your contacts have access to your Karify record, depending on his/her role in Karify. This is indicated by a check mark under Health record access in the list of contacts:
Do you want to know more about contacts in Karify? Read the article Contacts in Karify.
When a contact has health record access, he/she can schedule assignments for you, provide feedback on these assignments and view the files that you share and the messages that you send within the Healthspace. Below these possibilities are discussed in further detail.
1. Schedule and view assignments
Contacts with health record access can schedule assignments for you in the Healthspace. They can also view the assignments that you hand in and provide them with feedback if desired.
Do you want to know more about assignments in Karify? Read the article Online treatment.
2. View shared files
Both you and your healthcare provider can upload files in your Karify record. The files that you upload yourself, you can share in the Healthspace. For each item you place in your record, you can choose whether you want to share it in the Healthspace or not. When you share an item, all your contacts in that Healthspace can view the item.
In the article Share from your record is described how you share a file in the Healthspace.
In some cases your healthcare provider can add files from your electronic patient file (EPD) to your Karify record. Items that are placed in your Karify record by your healthcare provider are accessible for all your contacts in the Healthspace. You receive an automatic notification when an item is added to your record.
3. View your message conversations
Contacts with health record access can view your message conversations with other contacts within the Healthspace.
In Karify you can be part of a group conversation. Other participants in this conversation can logically see and respond to your messages in this conversation. Contacts of the participants in this conversation can also view the group conversation in the Karify record of that participant, as long as this contact has health record access.
When do others lose access to my record?
When it is no longer necessary that your contacts guides you in Karify - for instance when your treatment ends - then you can unsubscribe from the Healthspace. Also your healthcare provider can cancel your Healthspace membership.
When you unsubscribe from the Healthspace, all your connections will be broken. You can thus no longer communicate with your contacts and they have no access to your Karify record anymore.
You retain access to your Karify data stored in My record in My Karify for free. Here you can view your completed assignments, your exchanged messages and your stored files.