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support pages
Start with Karify
Get acquainted with Karify
What are Healthspaces?
Register for Karify
How do I log in to Karify?
Communicating with my healthcare provider
How does my online treatment work?
What is My record?
Log in to Karify
Log in to Karify
Switching two factor authentication on and off
Logging in with two factor authentication
Adjusting the settings of two factor authentication
Common problems with two factor authentication
How do I send a message?
To whom can I send a message?
Sending and receiving attachments
Folders and Favorites
Away notice
Contacts in Karify
Online treatment
Online treatment
My Record
My Record
Sharing from your record
How do I add an item to my record?
Who is able to see my record?
Accounts and profiles
Create and edit a profile
Ending your Karify account
Why do I need to fill in my date of birth?
Email notifications
Video calling
What do I need to make a video call?
Video calling: Step by Step explanation
Is the video call saved and/or recorded?
I’m not able to log in
How can I become a member of a Healthspace?
I cannot find my Healthspace
I cannot find my assignments
How do I send a message?
In which browsers can I use Karify?
Why do I need to fill in my birth date?
I do not receive emails from Karify
Problems creating a Karify account
The meaning of errors in Karify
Karify app
Logging in to the app
My account
Sending a message in the app
Which phones support the Karify app?
Incorrect login code
Searching in the app
Archiving message
Adding a star
Notifications on your phone